webdev, ux, ui and design

webdev, ux and design

web and graphic design, user experience (ux) and usability, online fonts and typography, ui trends, front-end and back-end development, server management and tools to successfully build and manage your virtual real estate.

get inspiration, learn and explore and be amazed.
saturday 9th, december 2023
"i would call deceptive any design where, if the user better understood how it worked, they'd behave differently. so if it relies on a misunderstanding for the user to go ahead, then it's deceptive. deceptive design can take many forms, though. it can be a confusing design pattern, misleading copywriting, or even copying a well-known mechanism and changing it for something different, but counting on the fact that the user will expect what they are used to..."
source: simpleanalytics.com // carlo cilento format: text year: 2022 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
"but i’ve come to realize that laying out texts properly is 80% of what makes something look clean, and is the easiest thing you can do to make your design much nicer and more usable..."
source: threadreaderapp.com // dan liu format: text year: 2022 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
friday 8th, december 2023
"the dirty little secret of this blog post is that you can resolve layout shifts due to fonts with a single line of css..."
source: simonhearne.com format: text year: 2021 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
saturday 30th, september 2023
"let’s talk about disabled buttons. specifically, let’s get into why we use them and how we can do better than the traditional disabled attribute in html..."
source: css-tricks.com // sandrina pereira format: text year: 2022 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
friday 29th, september 2023
"the whole concept of just in case is all about accounting for the unknown. following this mindset will at least reduce the issues you might encounter. the difference between a bad and a good use-case might be one line of css. in the following examples, i will show how you can easily implement such good practices..."
source: ishadeed.com format: text year: 2020 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
thursday 28th, september 2023
"enter a javascript operator to learn more about it..."
source: joshwcomeau.com format: text cache:  n/a provided by: eric
wednesday 27th, september 2023
"it’s just critical to be welcoming and to be nice to people. particularly early on in a project lifecycle. and i’ve really come to the realization through this process (and you can look at other open source communities and see how they evolve)..."
source: changelog.com // matt klein format: text year: 2020 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
monday 25th, september 2023
"in a new short series of posts, we highlight some of the useful tools and techniques for developers and designers. recently we’ve covered css auditing tools and css generators, and this time we look into reliable accessible components: from tabs and tables to toggles and tooltips..."
source: smashingmagazine.com // vitaly friedman format: text year: 2022 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
"one of the biggest causes of layout shifts for my clients is late-loading web fonts, let's look at how to optimise them!..."
source: simonhearne.com format: text year: 2021 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
saturday 23rd, september 2023
"if users ever need to log in to your site, then good sign-in form design is critical. this is especially true for people on poor connections, on mobile, in a hurry, or under stress. poorly designed sign-in forms get high bounce rates. each bounce could mean a lost and disgruntled user—not just a missed sign-in opportunity..."
source: web.dev // sam dutton format: text year: 2021 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
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