conversion rate optimization

conversion rate optimization (cro)

Discover techniques to increase, improve and optimize the conversions of product purchasing, requests of quotes, service subscriptions, newsletter forms, account creations, call to action (cta), copy-writing and page speed. and speed. a lot of speed.

increase customer lifetime value and understand your customers/users/visitors behavior better.
monday 16th, december 2024
"detailed list of best practices to improve your frontend performance..."
source: format: text year: 2024 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
friday 29th, november 2024
"so, you’ve published a web api? well done! you’re serving it over http(s), right? most developers see no reason to distrust the protocol that’s been holding the web together for almost 30 years. http is very performant, scalable and reliable – in fact, it has multiple nifty performance features to make sure developers can make the most out of the applications built upon it..."
source: // joel kall format: text year: 2016 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
"one of the easiest ways to increase site speed and reduce server load is to leverage browser caching. browser caching stores resources from your website page on a visitor’s computer. this allows the cached copy of the image or other type of file to be pulled from the visitor’s computer saving bandwidth and server load when they visit another page or return to your site later..."
source: // daniel morell format: text year: 2019 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
sunday 10th, november 2024
"asynchronously, the loading of web resources by the browser during the creation of the web page allows the user to see the finished web page elements on the web page earlier. however, loading every resource asynchronously can create a bottleneck in the browser’s main thread. for this reason, it is important to determine which web page elements will be loaded in what order and whether asynchronously or synchronously..."
source: // koray tuÄźberk gĂśbĂśr format: text year: 2020 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
sunday 1st, september 2024
source: // glenn greenwald format: video year: 2021 cache:  n/a provided by: eric
saturday 10th, august 2024
"looking for the guide explaining the best wp rocket settings? look no more, you’ve found it!..."
source: // saurabh k format: text year: 2023 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
"some users are okay with a slightly degraded user experience and lower image quality in exchange for lower data usage and costs savings. there haven’t been a standard way of letting websites know about this preference before, but the new save-data http request header introduces just such a method. now it’s up to web developers to adopt it to serve their audience the best way they can..."
source: // daniel aleksandersen format: text year: 2019 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
"when it comes to website performance, the bar is high. one of the factors that determine a great website is its speed. these days, websites are filled with images, videos, and scripts, which means they require more time to load..."
source: // sam mulaim format: text year: 2022 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
wednesday 31st, july 2024
"yahoo! japan news, one of the most popular news platforms in japan, drove a concerted effort to improve their bfcache hit rate and saw significant user experience and business improvements as a result. specifically, the results of the a/b test they conducted showed that pages that use bfcache had a 9% increase in ads revenue..."
source: // yuriko hirota format: text year: 2023 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
monday 29th, july 2024
"lowercase letters and uppercase letters use the same amout of data — 1 byte each..."
source: // nathaniel format: text year: 2023 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
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