
podcasts and audio

online audio and podcast, a dynamic delivery medium that lets an audience download, stream and subscribe to episodic series or topics. in its origin, the idea of podcasts was to let people attach sound and/or video files to a rss feed.

get the podcast industry news, learn how to start, grow and increase your own channel.
sunday 10th, december 2023
source: old.reddit.com // pelt45 format: text year: 2023 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
tuesday 26th, september 2023
"for a host to start an email list brings many advantages. people are more likely to engage with an email. using an email list, a host will get more downloads of the podcast compared to social media. podcasting shares some elements with email. making email a familiar step in the podcasting experience..."
source: indiehackers.com // alex edmonds format: text year: 2020 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
"any content creator needs to own the content that is being created. the content and the audience have too much value for a content creator to not own the content. platforms could leave a content creator with nothing if any problems occurred..."
source: indiehackers.com // alex edmonds format: text year: 2020 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
thursday 21st, september 2023
"the duration of your content depends on a variety of factors, and in this guide, we'll review a few of the questions that can help determine how long your podcast episodes should be!..."
source: buzzsprout.com // alban brooke format: text year: 2021 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
"you might be wondering how to monetize your podcast, or how you can reach out to a wider audience. either way, marketing is the key to achieve both. as podcasters, it is important for us to learn how to market our podcast..."
source: thepodcastbabes.com format: text year: 2021 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
wednesday 20th, september 2023
"the growing use of youtube as a search engine makes it an excellent place to post your content, but it's important that podcasters use the platform correctly..."
source: buzzsprout.com // alban brooke format: text year: 2022 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
tuesday 19th, september 2023
"add to this the fact that spotify, like all forms of streaming, is environmentally destructive, consuming more energy than the music-distribution systems of previous eras..."
source: newyorker.com // alex ross format: text year: 2022 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
"most podcasts that eventually do well, get there through lots of practice and by building an audience predominantly through word of mouth..."
source: onaudio.mattdeegan.com // matt deegan format: text year: 2022 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
friday 15th, september 2023
"the first time i remember shopping for music was at a best buy one day in 2001. i came home with two cds: the baha men’s who let the dogs out and the pop compilation now that’s what i call music! 5..."
source: theatlantic.com // joe pinsker format: text year: 2021 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
"recording phone calls for your podcast is an essential skill in your toolkit, but there are a few things to know to get a quality recording..."
source: buzzsprout.com // alban brooke format: text year: 2022 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
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