social media

social media

social media networks are defined as platforms with focus on user-generated content such as comments, discussions, sharing of ideas, photos, video and online interaction. formula helps you stay on top of the latest creator economy news.

discover strategies to increase your social media audience, grow your personal brand and reach more customers.
monday 29th, january 2024
"learn 6 of the editing strategies youtubers use to keep you hooked and work out for yourself, how much editing it too much editing..."
platform: youtube source: // film booth format: video year: 2023 cache:  n/a provided by: eric
"do you want to know how to make money with tiktok? discover 6 amazing tips to monetize your account, explore the tiktok creator fund, and learn about lucrative partnerships with shopify. get ready to transform your passion into profit and dominate the tiktok landscape!..."
platform: tiktok source: // inbound explained format: video year: 2023 cache:  n/a provided by: eric
"if you're looking at your content creation strategy and wondering why you're not further ahead this video is for you. these content creation tips i wish i would have known sooner. creating a content marketing strategy that lasts and brings you sales and leads on autopilot is going to take a lot out of you but you can make a full time income as a content creator. with the right mindset you'll succeed so much faster..."
platform: pinterest source: // heather farris format: video year: 2023 cache:  n/a provided by: eric
friday 26th, january 2024
platform: youtube source: // think media format: video year: 2023 cache:  n/a provided by: eric
"youtube monetization rules, youtube monetization requirements, and the youtube monetization application process... it's all explained here in just 5 minutes!..."
platform: youtube source: // vidiq format: video year: 2023 cache:  n/a provided by: eric
source: // alex hormozi format: video year: 2023 cache:  n/a provided by: eric
tuesday 23rd, january 2024
"part of being a youtube creator is finding that balance between what we think is good and what the data actually tells us is good content. we want better content and better results, but we have a tendency to do things that irritate our viewers. because of these things, no one clicks or people abandon our content quickly which makes the youtube algorithm throw us in its proverbial garbage bin..."
platform: youtube source: // video creators format: video year: 2023 cache:  n/a provided by: eric
"as youtubers we use a lot of different youtube tools to get it all done. from video editing to thumbnails to writing scripts, etc. there are a lot of tools that make it all easier..."
platform: youtube source: // nick nimmin format: video year: 2023 cache:  n/a provided by: eric
"tiktok creators can select the price for their series. the content can be purchased via direct in-video links or through a creator’s profile page. the company noted that, like all content on tiktok, series videos must adhere to its community guidelines standards..."
platform: tiktok source: // todd spangler format: text year: 2023 cache:  webarchive provided by: eric
saturday 20th, january 2024
"before you ever amplify your content on pinterest you need one thing to succeed. that one thing is going to be what sets you apart from your competitors on pinterest, on instagram, in your email newsletters, on your website... anywhere on the internet you choose to show up..."
platform: pinterest source: // heather farris format: video year: 2023 cache:  n/a provided by: eric
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