a log of all development of this website, listed in reverse-chronological order.
next: commenting system. mobile version
added history api flooding prevention on navigation.
removed pebble from contact page. they shut down.
added two more channels, 'marketing' and 'linkable'.
added a couple of platforms to social media channel.
date of post bug fixed.
initial load speed improvements, corrected/improved async and preload of .css, .js and font files. - along with some default css to prevent flash of unstyled content (fouc).
added 'link provided by' info to detail row for posts.
added 'services' channel. a bit of a different channel, its a repository of tools compared to the other channels, so it treated a little bit different both in the back-end as front-end. instead of sorted by date, links are sorted by 'subjects'. still links like other channels, so will show up on main page when submitted.
fixed tiny css bug where channel header text would possibly bleed over the channel icon.
fixed silly css bug for main outbound links color and margin.
fetchpriority set to "low" on flag images.
preloading of channel icons improved as much as possible, to prevent layout shift.
sort order bug fixed.
platform added in post details, if channel is social media.
cosmetics to the open in new tab icon.
speed improvements to tracked outbound links. outbound page (/r/*) now has five different redirect methods. one is bound to work for any browser, and send the browser to the target asap!
added noindex to tracked outbound links via robots.txt and meta tag (relative page, not! the actual external target)
development paused for a few days as we are moving. no more platja de gandia. from now on, home base is burgos, spain
sort order bug fixed
dark themed colours tweaked
layout switcher disabled for a minute, will be back soon.
some bugs fixed.
added "year" in post details to display year the link/article was created/made/published at source.
finished up title tags on all channels and pages.
css file optimization to lessen http requests. arguable not needed for http2, but for these files, in this case, its not going to hurt.
switched dns host to bunny.net - their PoPs are seriously fast, with built in ddos protection, load balancing and cdn proxy, this is a no brainer.
Fixed a little bug with margin between post rows depending on layout.
Fixed a few bugs.
Finally finished the reworked navigation, took way too long. the history API is a pain. there really ought to be a 'beforepop' event.
development paused. am airbnb hoppin'! , too much construction work around the building. (location: still, yes, still platja de gandia, spain)
option to switch layout is now only enabled on main feed or in channels.
fixed so selected layout is remembered when! switching layouts while! switching channels. this is not! stored in cookie/x-storage so will be forgotten on refresh/get-requests.
auto/manual button (to load more posts) is now showing correct label reflecting the current selection on revisits/hard refresh/get-requests. this is! stored in a session cookie.
rebuilt yesterdays "view" feature, and renamed it "layout". it now also has a blue little indicator showing current layout. and its now four different layouts.
replaced "back to top" with "up/down" functionality.
styled manual/auto load button & up/down buttons.
view button added. functionality to switch channel/feed layouts between three different views.
autoload feature added. turn auto loading of more posts on/off with button in right hand footer.
added "back to top" feature, also found in right hand footer.
added preloading (either link tag or via js), priority hints, async decoding, along with the already existing eager loading attribute of all header icons. they should now load blazing fast, with no flashing, along with the html doc both on initial GET requests as well as any xhr requests.
added main page header, including icon. as always, icon from flaticon.com and optimized with freeconvert.com
moved non-channel pages, title tag values to database.
restructured all header text and icons on pages and channels.
tiny cosmetic/css mods
fixed icon paths on static pages
fixed history api bug on submit and subscribe pages.
added display of total amount of posts in each channel
simple submit form added, so anyone can recommend good links. better system will be built later.
fixed javascript history/popstate bug. content not properly saved on initial load, breaking usage of history entries on refresh.
added format to posts. in the info row beneath each submitted link, there is now a box indicating the format of the target link, ie text, video or audio.
added icons for submit, subscribe, about, contactand this page. icons as always, from best icon/graphic resource: flaticon.com and optimized as always, with best image optimizer: freeconvert.com