about formula

about formula


what, but why

formula, noun, ˈfɔː.mjə.ləˈ :
  • a plan or method for doing something well.
  • a plan that is invented in order to deal with a particular problem.
  • a course of action for a particular situation (usually a good one) or a combination of actions that is certain or likely to result in that situation.
  • a method, pattern, or rule for doing or producing something, often one proved to be successful.


formula is a link aggregator and community, focusing on articles, podcasts, videos and dicussions to inspire you, and take you, your business and projects further.


the intention of formula is publically sort and share industry and niche specific links and resources and create* a positive community where people can discuss, learn and reach further.

it's also a humble part/effort to rewind the internet experience 20 odd years or so, where everything is not in walled gardens or apps, when people were not scared of linking to others, no corporations hoarding data or mods power tripping. and after musk ruining twitter and steve huffman at reddits 'hold my beer' moment, not wanting to be outdone and following suite, its just time. period.

* profile registrations, comment and discussion system, creation of groups and more, is on the list for next version of formula.

be aware

posted links are not always new, but some are also old, some times many years old. to highlight this, the year has been added to the details row for each link, simply labeled "year". so keep in mind, that some articles might be outdated and that there are better solutions available.


links will be posted daily, newly found links along with those from collections. if you agree with the mission, feel free to submit your own suggestions as well.

wrong channel?

found something you believe is posted in the wrong channel? head over to contact page and get in touch.


all icons are credit to flaticon.com, absolute best resource for icons.



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  • bunny
    cdn, storage, streaming and now also dns.

domain registrars

dynadot - lots of tlds, competative prices. use this link and get $5(£4) credit to your account.


i have tried many, and use a couple, but uptime robot is my favourite.

capital/uppercase letters

why is there (hardly) any uppercase letters on formula?
i dont like them, the ocd in me says its either or, dont mix them. and i am the king of the castle here. simple as that.

found one? hit the contact page and lets get rid of it! (as said above, its either or, so the menu items stay all caps)

european unionukraine made & hosted in eu.
supporting ukraine.